Gratitude deserves a place in corporate culture.

Here are the research-backed methods that will bring your company a measurable ROI.


Harness the power of gratitude in your corporation.

Get better results

Watch staff and clients become more engaged leading to a measurable return on your investment in them.

Debunk outdated myths

Gratitude isn’t weak, fluffy, or a waste of time. It fuels personal fulfillment and organizational growth. 

Feel confident in the facts

According to PwC, every $1 spent on emotional well being yields an astonishing $2.30 return in productivity.


 “It's (intentional gratitude) been one of the best things we've ever done for our business and not just for our team and our clients, but it's really helped us grow both personally and professionally and be able to connect better with our clients and for them to learn how to better connect with themselves as well.”

Michael Mogill, CEO of Crisp Video Group


Ready to utilize the power of gratitude to boost your bottom line?


1. Download the White Paper



2. Dive in and complete the included gratitude audit



3. Invest in your corporate culture and see a measurable return on investment